This week we had a theatre play at our school in English due to the book´s day. The staff were the pupils from 3th level and we had a great success. It came to see us all pupils from our school, the parents and pupils from 2nd,3th and 4th level of Andrade´s school.We had a fantastic time but it was a hard work.Here you have some photos and at the english blog you have some more...We hope you like it!.
Durante toda esta semana os alumnos de 3º representaron no colexio a obra "The shoemaker and the elves". Foi un traballo duro pero moi exitoso.Viñeron a vernos todos os alumnos do noso colexio,os alumnos de 2º,3º e 4º do CEIP de Andrade e as familias dos actores Aquí tedes algunhas fotos e no blog de inglés algunhas máis. Esperamos que vos guste velas!.
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