domingo, 3 de junio de 2012


We have one visit left in this section from the 15th of may. We visited Ceip de Andrade school with our pupils from 3rd level. We attend a shadows play "The three Billy goats" and we learnt alot of things about USA .Amy told us lots of interesting things about diferent states from her country.We also tasted some Peanut butter cookies. Tiñamos unha visita aínda sen colgar dende o 15 de maio.Visitamos o colexio de Andrade para asistir a un teatro e sombras da obra "The three Billy goats" e para coñecer moito sobre aluguns estados de Estados Unidos. Amy contoumos moitas cousas e probamos tamén unhas galletas feitas por ela de manteiga de cacahuete. Esperamos que vos gusten as fotos... ANDRADE'S VISIT on PhotoPeach

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